Thursday, May 19, 2011

be your own kind of frudgeter

For many years, my siblings were in transition and had little apartments or houses. Then they put all of their time and effort into buying huge fancy homes in housing estates and decorating them just like everyone else's. Or slightly better, yes that always comes up in their conversations --doing better than the neighbors is important to them. A new car every year or so, the right sort of window treatments created and installed by a professional. This does not mean they are bad or wrong. But they don't seem very happy since there's no rest for those who aim to show others how well off they are.

My frudgety DNA would not allow be to get onto that "Keep up with the Joneses" treadmill. Do my siblings think I'm jealous of them ? Do they think I'm penniless ? No and no -- they've known me long enough to know I would live in a cave on the side of a mountain if I could, or travel endlessly. They call me names like crazy, eccentric & weird and  say that I'm "One of those unfazed people who don't care what anyone thinks of them."  They are not being complimentary, although they do say things like "you're the creative one." - which sounds like a compliment to me, but may not be from their point of view.
 I'm not saying I never thought maybe I should be like them -- I've had my moments -- Their obvious disapproval isn't always easy to shrug off. And how sad for them that their sister ...takes things out of people's trash...  So sad.

I love them just for them, and I love giving them ( brand new of course! )gifts, and also my time, my shoulder to cry on, my friendship, some fun.

Simple things don't excite them.  "Bigger better more"  is their mantra. They never run through sprinklers anymore unless I can get them alone long enough to talk them into it. We can have great fun if we carve out enough time for it. Getting them to go on a backpacking trip would be ... amazing.

Ultimately, they admit that they are comfortable belonging to the world of disposable stuff, of quantity, of payment plans and renting storage units and hiring housekeepers since they don't want to become anything like "Hoarders."  They can't leave their overstuffed world, it makes sense to them. After all, everyone else is doing it. Or so it would seem. There are a few weirdos out there. Like me.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Frudgety Swap ~ Sadler Ivy Cottage Teapot

English Country Cottages  ~ "Ivy House" by Sadler (Made in England) list price new $41.95
Mint Condition Tiny Teapot ( 2 Cup Capacity )

interested ? e mail me at ----


I'm looking for practical (useful) household items, or a gift card -- (Home Depot.) I need materials for a kitchen peg board and I think it will cost me about $25. to make one.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Summer Picnic Tips: Food & Bev.

Pack two coolers, one for food and one for beverages. Keep your more spoilable foods in the bottom of your cooler surrounded by ice or those frozen blocks you can buy at any grocery store. Besides fresh fruit which is a picnic staple, take some small snacks that don't spoil and be creative. The kids are more open to trying something new on a picnic when they're running around in the fresh air. They like having a little backpack -- it makes them feel like explorers and encourages them to hike around.

This is an excellent time to pack trailmix or granola in little plastic bags for the kids to take on a hike. Bring water bottles they can attach to their backpacks or belts. This bottle is BPA free and you can't lose the top.

Simplest trailmix recipe ever  ~

Unsalted nuts (Fresh not oily packaged processed nuts)

that's it ~ so easy & the kids like it.

In cold weather add a few chocolate chips. ~ Options include goji berries and soynuts. If you add too much (such as sticky or larger pcs. of dried fruit, it becomes less easy to eat on the trail.) Simple is better.

Very active kids need this kind of energy boost. Trail mix is the answer, as it's good nutrition and high in calories for a kid that's climbing around burning a lot of energy.